Thursday, September 20, 2018

1.    How to plant a plant
2.    How to give a dog a bath *
3.    How to make a bed
4.    How to fold laundry
5.    How to ride a bike *
6.    How to Doggypaddle *
7.    How to Bellyflop *
8.    How to make an omelet
9.    How to Draw a dog *
10.  How to make a Sock Puppet *
11.  How to climb a tree
12.  How to make a candle 
13.  How to throw a pot
14.  How to pet a dog *
15.  How to make cheese
16.  How to blow bubbles in chocolate milk *
17.  How to make someone’s nose disappear  *
18.  How to Whistle
19.  How to make a ‘How to’ list *
20.  How to brush your teeth
21.  How to Brush your Dogs Teeth *
22.  How to not make a cake *
23.  How to attempt to flip a pancake *
24.  How to tell if someone is really three children in a trench coat *
25.  How to steal the Hope diamond * 
26.  How to get away with murder *
27.  How to make a baby laugh
28.  How to make a Baby cry
29.  How to make a Mess*
30.  How to unmake a Mess
31.  How to raise your dog from the dead*
32.  How to kill your now zombie dog*
33.  How to Survive the zombie apocalypse 
34.  How to Kill a Mocking Bird
35.  How to survive the Hunger Games*
36.  How to help a friend
37.  How to kill two birds with one stone
38.  How to me a mermaid*
39.  How to be a Superhero
40.  How to turn lead into gold
41.  How to tell time, good morning
42.  How to play the world’s smallest violin
43.  How to steal someone’s heart
44.  How to break a heart
45.  How to Put a heart back together
46.  How to catch a fish
47.  How to get a girlfriend
48.  How best to hide your tears
49.  How to say no to door to door salesmen

50.  How to wish on a star